
Mini Vacation.

*We took a mini family vacation.  Now, ours might revolve around appointments with the ocularist, but they are vacations either way you look at it.  I realized that my anxiety is now pretty nonexistent when we visit Super Bud. It's kinda like visiting our fun uncle, he has a place in our lives and hearts.  We threw in fun places to eat, an outdoor park/zoo, lego land, children's museum and a couple nights in a hotel.  For fun, I thought I would check out the local stat care.  While Zack and the kids burned off energy at the park, I waited to confirm my suspicions of pink eye.  Every good vacation involves some pink eye....so I've heard.  Now sit back (try not to rub your eyes...this junk can spread) and check out a couple of our favorite pics.

*To start us off, here is Betsy's new way to smile/talk. (you might have already seen this on my instagram)
We have decided it looks like a pirate who has suffered a slight stroke. The sticker on her glasses says "I am speed" No convincing her to put it over her bad eye...

A little lego land action.

Bustin' a move and belting out tunes.  It was the best Head Shoulders Knees and Toes I have heard in a long time

Swinging around at the Kids Museum

Every boy's dream.  Guess what's now on his Christmas list?

Last, but not least. This child. Talked all the way home.  All.The.Way.

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