

*Hello Friday. Thank you for starting my day off with the windows open and kids snuggling. I did not even mind Ek's first comment of the day to me "Mom, did you not recognize that there is not a hand towel in the bathroom? Isn't that your job?" Good morning Friday.

*Our neighbors have been on vacation. While we miss them, we have been keeping their trampoline company. There is no way it is lonely. Currently our schedule is visiting it 2-3 times a day. I have found that I can still do a front flip, although my back doesn't really like it the next morning. Zack however impressed us all with his hidden trampoline talents. I guess when you have a trampoline growing up, the skills stay with you for life.
I love watching ek jump. Her crazy flying hair makes her look like a Muppet.

Captain Austin/Awesome doing a little monster jumping.
Millie (our favorite babysitter) and Betsy. Betsy really did like jumping with Millie, even though her face says otherwise. 
Jumping with the juice, also a nice shot of Millie's feet. My photography skills are impressive.
Good times!
We also had to test their hammock.  This was suppose to be  a sweet picture, but Betsy is actually handing me a booger. Gotta love reality.
*Hope your weekend is sweet. I'm off to find a hand towel...it is my job, ya know.

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