
friday ramblings.

*This past weekend I had a night with my favorite sister ever.  Katie came and spent the night with us, Zack kindly let us skip town for the night.  Our first stop was new grown up makeup.  We transformed ourselves from stay at home mommas to stay at home mommas with new makeup!  I never have the chance to treat Katie to anything really fun, so I was glad that I could give us both a fresh face.  Afterwards we hit up Target.  The new makeup must have really taken some years off, because I got carded.  Say what?  Yup.  This 37 year old got carded at Target.  Wait for it....for laundry detergent. Now I realize that I am out of the loop on what kids these days use for getting high, but was really shocked to find out that now it could be lavender detergent?  My guess is that a major computer glitch was the problem, but if not, I had apparently been doing laundry illegally for a couple of my early years.  I am glad that I was smart enough not to ever do laundry and drive.  Whew.

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