
Anniversary hair.

*Yesterday was our 9th wedding anniversary. Ellakate wanted us to have a fancy dinner, so pizza on the wedding china complete with candles were had. I then tried to force encourage everyone to watch our wedding video. However, our tv blew up a couple of weeks ago, which was not a big issue since we have the laptop. However, I forgot it was on VHS. So maybe next year :)
*I did wash and dry my hair yesterday, since it was my anniversary and all.  So when I answered the door at 10 am with wet hair, the mail lady assumed I had just finished mowing (which zack did the night before) . I guess because who else is just showering at 10 am? (besides stay at home moms that is) I must admit I did not correct her assumption, because if she thinks I get up and mow with 3 kids in the morning, then who am I to shatter that image?
*I haven't had many pics of ek on the blog lately. Perhaps it's because she won't stand still for pictures or could be the marker tattoos to the face? I have a feeling this could be a long summer...who is ready for kindergarten?
*Max has a new favorite shirt. I went back to the store and bought 2 more to appease him and to buy me some leeway time for laundry. The shirt says "Captain Awesome", however Max refers to it as "Captain Austin" Who knows, at least I don't have to wrestle him now to get dressed in the morning. So be prepared to see the "Captain Austin" shirts all.summer.long.
*Betsy is climbing everything (still). I bought some new cereal containers to keep her from pouring full boxes all over the floor. Since she can't get them open, she has found another use for them. Lovely.
*Enjoy your weekend!

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